London’s best jogging routes

We’re affected by what we see as much as what we do. Your environment can prime you for happiness, health and success.

With London out of lockdown, joggers are free to seek out the capital’s sweet spots. This amazing 5k route goes through London Bridge and Tower Hill taking in some of London’s must-visit cultural landmarks.

Start at London Bridge Station jog along Tooley Street in the general direction of City Hall. A left turn off Tooley Street into Battle Bridge Lane and through the Hays Galleria cluster of restaurants, shops and offices will take you riverside.



Continue in the direction of City Hall and Tower Bridge.



Tower-BridgeCross Tower Bridge and continue along Tower Bridge Approach



Tower-Of-LondonJog along Tower Hill Approach until you are close to a junction in the road where a left turning down a stairway leads around the grounds of the Tower of London. 



Tower-Of-London2Your run should now take in the scenic, historic and cultural delights of the grounds of the Tower of London. There were grisly goings-on at the Tower centuries ago – but you are safe for now!

Eventually the path bears left. Continue left and onwards past the Great British Chip Shop and the Tower of London Gift Shop.

Tower-Hill-run-jog-healthybodyhealthyplanet-blog13 Three Quays Walk

You’ll now find yourself riverside on Three Quays Walk. Continue your run upriver as far as you can until you reach a gated off quayside section. Here you have to bear right in the general direction of Lower Thames Street.

Your run on Lower Thames Street eventually leads into Upper Thames Street. Take the left turning onto Southwark Bridge and jog across the bridge.

Southwark Bridge This ‘Southwark Bridge’ road sign marks the stairway which leads down to the riverside where you will continue your run.

Keep riverside as you run along Bankside and head in the general direction of Tower Bridge again.

Southwark Bridge2

Southwark Bridge3

Bankside will eventually bear right into a road called Banks End. On Banks End turn left  into Clink Street and the Clink Museum and a reconstruction of Sir Francis Drake’s Galleon the Golden Hinde lie ahead. 

Clink Prison Museum
Sir Francis Drake’s Golden Hinde

And now you come to the end of your run. A great route for a scenic jog with cultural highlights!

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